mandag 31. januar 2011


I think the movie was good, the way that every act got twined together in the end was great. IT was a very insightful movie where we got to see a lot of different situations that concerns racism. We also got to see a little bit more about what the black people thinks of us white and it shows that in the end we are all the same, and that there is good and bad people in every community and it don't depend on you color or which culture yore from. Also that a lot of the choice we are making is up to ourselves and we can choose to do the right or the wrong thing and that is what makes us a good person or not. The film had many different acts and i think that every character got a different sight on life in the end. It is a movie to contemplation and you have a lot of thoughts and questions about how life is for other people when the movie is over. All in all i think it's a very good movie :)

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