torsdag 28. oktober 2010


Dear diary 
Our plane just took off, and I am sitting here and looking out my window. I get this feeling that I did not get to see everything I wanted while I'm watching the big city fade away behind me. It's getting quite late now, and once again we have had a fantastic day!  We got up really early today, so we could manage some more shopping and see a little bit more of the city. So we grabbed breakfast at Starbucks, and a coffee to go. Wish we had it in Norway! 

So when we had spent our last money, we went for another walk in Central Park. The climate here is a lot like it is in Norway, except it is a little bit warmer here now and it gets very hot in the summer because of all the people and care here. It is like they live upon each other! But enough about that, here comes the good stuff! While we where walking there in the park, Kristin suddenly start pinching my arm. She got her eyes on Alex Rodriguez, the best payed baseball player in the whole USA! Kristin starts running after him and screaming if she could pleas get his autograph. He turns and laughs a little of her, and sign the fold deposit slip that she found in her pocket. Since I always carrie you around, I had him sign the front page before he said "have a nice day!" and walked on. I am totally going to see a Yankees game next time I'm here! Baseball is actually the USA's national sport. 

After that we walked starstruck and with a big smile on our faces back to the hotel, to pack our last things before we headed for the airport. This was probably the best vacation I have ever been on, and the city definitely lived up to our expectations! I can for sure say that I'm going back here some time, but I'm going to sleep now. I have to try and think about something else than the fact that I am leaving this amazing town!
See you tomorrow

onsdag 27. oktober 2010


Dear diary ♥
Today started out great! we went shopping, of course we didn't get to see all the stores, so we sticked to Manhattan. I think we chose wisely and got the most important ones. I hope we will manage to shop some more before we leave tomorrow, it's so cheap here! We also went to look on some designer clothes, not that I bought anything of it, but I think it's funny to just look. One thing I bought was a lot of cosmetics, you get almost everything her to a third of the price we pay in Norway!

After all the shopping we went to visit the memorial place from 9.11, It really got under my skin and it was very sad to hear about. I have seen documentaries and films from the day before, but this was totally different. It was actually devastating to hear the firemen tell their stories. And just to see the place were it happened made it so much more real. I get a bad feeling when i think about it now, i suppose almost everyone gets that, but experiencing this now, just made the bad feeling stronger. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret this at all. It was actually one of the strongest and greatest experiences in my life, despite all the sadness.

To get our mind of things a little bit, we decided to go and see a show on Broadway. We bought tickets to Chicago, and it was amazing! everything was big and powerful. And the music and dances was really good, it almost felt like I were in the middle of the play. It was so good that I want to run back down there and watch it again, and again, and again!
Once more I exhausted, who knew this city-life was so hard?
sleep tight ♥

tirsdag 26. oktober 2010


Dear diary ♥
I realise now that four days in this paradise is not enough, it's so much to see here! Today we went on one of those sightseeing busses. We figured that it would be the best way to see and learn about the city in such a short time. I have learned so much about this city and state that i didn't know before today. New York is actually the biggest city in the whole USA, and it has about 8,5 million citizens. And did you know that over 40 million people visit the city every year. I guess we are not the only tourists here.

The mayor in New York City is Michael Bloomberg, he is 68 years old now and one of the world's richest men. New York is a very important city when it comes to business, the city has one of the world's most important stock institutes, and New York Stock Exchange is biggest stock market in the world. This Stock Exchange is actually not electronic, so if you want to buy stocks you have do it face to face on the stock exchange floor. New York is also an important city when it comes to culture, many of the world's most famous artists are from New York, and many of the world's most known theaters and museums are in this city. For example Broadway, I think that we are going to get tickets to see a play there tomorrow.

I also learned a little bit about New York as a state today, and The United States of America. The state is in the northeastern region of the USA, and with an area that is around 128403 km2, it is the 27th biggest state in the USA, and it has more than 19 million citizens. Something I did not know was that New York City is not the capital city of New York, it is actually a smaller city called Albany. The capital has an population for about only 95 000, that is a big difference for New York City.

Well i think that was enough information for today, i can't believe that I remember all this things! We also drove past all the big sights today, but i think that we are going to visit some of them tomorrow so perhaps I can talk more about them then.
Sweet dreams ♥


Dear diary♥
This have been a very long and exhausting day so I could not be happier about the fact that we finally made it to the big apple! My plane landed at 6 pm and after we had picked up our luggage, we jumped in to one of those famous yellow cabs that drove us to the hotel. I just can't believe that we are finally here! As we drove through the city I could feel the excitement washing over me. We saw the statue of liberty, central park, and all the stores of all the big designers, we even drove through time square.

Since I could not wait with discovering more about this city, we almost threw our bags in to the hotelroom before I literarily dragged Kristin with me in to a new yellow cab. Despite the long journey and the time difference, I wasn't feeling tired at all, it must have been because of the excitement this city gives me or something. First we went on a nice restaurant called Jean Georges Restaurant, It is actually one of the best restaurants in New York. And we certainly got what we paid for, the food was amazing! They actually cooked the food right next to our table. The restaurant is near by central park, so to finish this great evening we went for a walk in the park.

The city is everything I expected it to be, it's just like I'm in the middle of a movie or something. It's really a dream coming true, and I almost can't wait to see more of this fabulous city. But I'm starting to get really tired now, so I think i will go to sleep. You know I have to be prepared for tomorrow, you'll never know what this city can bring!
Good night♥