mandag 6. juni 2011


In the novel ”The kite runner” written by Kahled Hosseni we meet the to young boys, Hassan and Amir. Hassan’s father works for Amir’s family and he has been their servant since he was born. Hassan and Amir grow up to become best friends and they do everything together. But some older boys bullies them about the fact that Hassan is a Hazara and therefore from a different social class in the afghan society. Anyway the two best friends stand together against the world. Hassan would do anything to save Amir’s life, so one day when the big boys want to fight, Hassan defends Amir and they get away. When the winter comes and it is al set for the big kite competition, Amir and Hassan is prepared and ready to win. And so they do. Hassan, who is the best kite runner in town runs to fetch the blue kite that Amir cut down from the sky. On the way back the bullies catch up with him and they force him in to a backstreet where they rape him while Amir watch without saying a word. That happening changes the two best friends relationship forever. Amir gets ruined inside of al the guilt he feels every time he sees Hassan, and they slowly drift apart.

Their relationship is very much affected by the different social classes in Afghanistan in the 1970-ties. Hassan would do everything for Amir and every time Amir asks him for a favor he answers “for you and a thousand times over,” and I think that pretty much describes Hassan’s sight on his friendship with Amir. Hassan is honest and loyal to his friend and would do anything for him, while Amir finds it very hard to find the strength to stand up for Hassan. And the choice he makes the day of the big competition follows him for the rest of his life, and when he finds out that Hassan is dead because of Taliban and that his son is an orphan he figures that it is a good way to at least try to make up for some of the mistakes he has done in the past and he treat Hassan’s son the way he wish he would have treated Hassan when they where younger.

torsdag 3. mars 2011


Robert Pattinson was born in London, UK in 1986 where he lived with his mother father and his two elder sisters Lizzie and Victoria Pattinson. He first started out as a model at the age of 12 but after a few years the job offers increased and he developed an interest for acting. He got his breakthrough as an actor in November, 2008 when he got the part as Edward Cullen in the film Twilight. Before that he had only done some smaller parts in movies like Harry Potter. Today he is one of the world’s most famous actors, and he got several projects ahead not only as Edward in the Twilight sagas but also in other big films like “water for elephants”.

mandag 31. januar 2011


I think the movie was good, the way that every act got twined together in the end was great. IT was a very insightful movie where we got to see a lot of different situations that concerns racism. We also got to see a little bit more about what the black people thinks of us white and it shows that in the end we are all the same, and that there is good and bad people in every community and it don't depend on you color or which culture yore from. Also that a lot of the choice we are making is up to ourselves and we can choose to do the right or the wrong thing and that is what makes us a good person or not. The film had many different acts and i think that every character got a different sight on life in the end. It is a movie to contemplation and you have a lot of thoughts and questions about how life is for other people when the movie is over. All in all i think it's a very good movie :)

fredag 10. desember 2010


loving, caring, hardworking and vise
son of a great man who offered his life
who loves his mother, father and brother
who feels sad, bad and loving
who needs to hang his father, to help his people and a new father
who wishes to see his father again

tirsdag 16. november 2010


Dear diary, today they came. The white men, mom had told me about them, but we never thought that they would come to us. It was the worst day of my life, and I can’t stop crying. When we saw the big black car, mom yelled that I had to run, so I did. I ran as fast as I could, but he drove after me, and before I knew it, he stood in front of me and grabbed my arm. He pulled me in to the car, and I could see mom crying as she tried to hold on to my little sister. I’m scared, even though I’m trying the best I can to put on a brave face for my sister. We don’t know where they are taking us; all we know is that now we are sitting in a room full of other kids. Some of them are crying and others are just starring right in to the wall, but we know that we all have something in common. We have been forced away from our families, and no one knows why.

torsdag 28. oktober 2010


Dear diary 
Our plane just took off, and I am sitting here and looking out my window. I get this feeling that I did not get to see everything I wanted while I'm watching the big city fade away behind me. It's getting quite late now, and once again we have had a fantastic day!  We got up really early today, so we could manage some more shopping and see a little bit more of the city. So we grabbed breakfast at Starbucks, and a coffee to go. Wish we had it in Norway! 

So when we had spent our last money, we went for another walk in Central Park. The climate here is a lot like it is in Norway, except it is a little bit warmer here now and it gets very hot in the summer because of all the people and care here. It is like they live upon each other! But enough about that, here comes the good stuff! While we where walking there in the park, Kristin suddenly start pinching my arm. She got her eyes on Alex Rodriguez, the best payed baseball player in the whole USA! Kristin starts running after him and screaming if she could pleas get his autograph. He turns and laughs a little of her, and sign the fold deposit slip that she found in her pocket. Since I always carrie you around, I had him sign the front page before he said "have a nice day!" and walked on. I am totally going to see a Yankees game next time I'm here! Baseball is actually the USA's national sport. 

After that we walked starstruck and with a big smile on our faces back to the hotel, to pack our last things before we headed for the airport. This was probably the best vacation I have ever been on, and the city definitely lived up to our expectations! I can for sure say that I'm going back here some time, but I'm going to sleep now. I have to try and think about something else than the fact that I am leaving this amazing town!
See you tomorrow

onsdag 27. oktober 2010


Dear diary ♥
Today started out great! we went shopping, of course we didn't get to see all the stores, so we sticked to Manhattan. I think we chose wisely and got the most important ones. I hope we will manage to shop some more before we leave tomorrow, it's so cheap here! We also went to look on some designer clothes, not that I bought anything of it, but I think it's funny to just look. One thing I bought was a lot of cosmetics, you get almost everything her to a third of the price we pay in Norway!

After all the shopping we went to visit the memorial place from 9.11, It really got under my skin and it was very sad to hear about. I have seen documentaries and films from the day before, but this was totally different. It was actually devastating to hear the firemen tell their stories. And just to see the place were it happened made it so much more real. I get a bad feeling when i think about it now, i suppose almost everyone gets that, but experiencing this now, just made the bad feeling stronger. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret this at all. It was actually one of the strongest and greatest experiences in my life, despite all the sadness.

To get our mind of things a little bit, we decided to go and see a show on Broadway. We bought tickets to Chicago, and it was amazing! everything was big and powerful. And the music and dances was really good, it almost felt like I were in the middle of the play. It was so good that I want to run back down there and watch it again, and again, and again!
Once more I exhausted, who knew this city-life was so hard?
sleep tight ♥